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Managing Your New Normal: 6 Tips for Navigating Change Effectively

Managing Your New Normal: 6 Tips for Navigating Change Effectively

Change is inevitable. It’s a normal part of everyone’s life. However, there will be times that require more change than usual. The past two years, for example, have introduced a wide range of “new normals.” If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the scope of it all, you’re certainly not alone.

With or without pandemic-related adjustments, you may need some tips and suggestions in the area of navigating change. Such skills are invaluable at the point of change and well into the future. After all, if a change is unavoidable, why not be better prepared? To follow, we’ll explore a few options for settling into your new normal.

Dealing with the Emotions Plaguing My New Post-Pandemic, In-Person Life

Dealing with the Emotions Plaguing My New Post-Pandemic, In-Person Life

It’s difficult to articulate just how bizarre the past two years have been. To say our lives were disrupted is quite an understatement. A veil of fear descended upon the planet and caused rifts and schisms we could never have imagined. People were divided in a wide variety of new and dangerous ways. And now, the veil is being lifted and it appears we’re just expected to return to “normal.”

If you’re experiencing an avalanche of emotions, you are not alone. You might be scared or angry or very, very confused. But rest assured, you can thrive in your new post-pandemic, in-person life.

Dealing with the Emotions Plaguing My New Post-Pandemic, In-Person Life

Dealing with the Emotions Plaguing My New Post-Pandemic, In-Person Life

It’s difficult to articulate just how bizarre the past two years have been. To say our lives were disrupted is quite an understatement. A veil of fear descended upon the planet and caused rifts and schisms we could never have imagined. People were divided in a wide variety of new and dangerous ways. And now, the veil is being lifted and it appears we’re just expected to return to “normal.”

If you’re experiencing an avalanche of emotions, you are not alone. You might be scared or angry or very, very confused. But rest assured, you can thrive in your new post-pandemic, in-person life.

Grieve Your Own Way…Why the Stages of Grief are Just a Guide

Grieve Your Own Way…Why the Stages of Grief are Just a Guide

The Stages of Grief are Just a Guide

One of the few open conversations you might have about grief may center around its stages. This concept helps give context to grief by externalizing and normalizing a shared and difficult process. However, while all humans experience stages of grief at some point in their lives, the process for each person is unique and does not follow a prescriptive pattern or order.

It’s important to remember though that grieving never stops. Rather, the loss is slowly integrated into our day to day lives. We live with the loss, experiencing peaks and valleys. Grief may pop up when you least expect it. Other times, like during a life milestone, we feel a renewed sense of bereavement knowing we would’ve shared this moment with the person we lost.

Why Self-Compassion is Crucial for Managing Anxious Feelings

Why Self-Compassion is Crucial for Managing Anxious Feelings

Some level of anxiety in life is inevitable. When anxiety is out of balance, it can tell us some very convincing lies when we are most vulnerable. These distortions are so convincing, in fact, that our inner monologue can become a loop of what we should be doing or how life should be based on these anxiety-provoking beliefs.

Without self-compassion, this is a very difficult cycle to challenge. In the absence of self-compassion, we “should” ourselves into mental corners with negative self-talk and criticism. Too often, our time is spent searching for evidence that matches the erroneous or unproductive beliefs that drive fear and worry.

Resilience in Children: Why Is It Essential? And How Can Parents Promote It?

Resilience in Children: Why Is It Essential? And How Can Parents Promote It?

If you are the parent of a young child, then you’ve probably already heard of “resilience” or “grit” from articles or podcasts.

Resiliency is all about having the ability to cope when things are challenging.

Whether it’s facing the challenge of an upcoming school project or coping with a family tragedy, resiliency has proven to be invaluable for children.

But why is it essential, and how can parents promote resiliency?

Let’s explore the idea of grit more, and what you can do to teach it to your kids.

3 Reasons Anxiety Treatment Includes Tips to Use at Home

3 Reasons Anxiety Treatment Includes Tips to Use at Home

If you’re in treatment for anxiety, you may discover that your therapist encourages you to do a lot of “homework.”

In sessions, your therapist is probably teaching you many new skills to help you address your anxiety. This might include reframing your thoughts, tuning into what’s happening in your body, and other mindfulness-based behaviors.

While you’re at sessions in the office, it can feel a little easier to learn these skills. After all, you have the expertise of a trained professional immediately at hand. They can talk you through your scariest thoughts and feelings. And you can relax in a quiet, calm environment without the distractions and stress that you might have in your own home.

However, when your therapist gives you advice on how to use these skills at home, you may feel a little overwhelmed. After all, if it’s going well in session, why add the burden of having to think about it at home as well?

Delayed Grief Reaction: Why You’re Okay One Minute But Not the Next

Delayed Grief Reaction: Why You’re Okay One Minute But Not the Next

Grief is an inevitable and natural part of life. Everyone will experience it. However, everyone will experience it in their own way.

Grief is an unpredictable process, and that includes when it begins and how long it lasts. It has some standard stages but follows no blueprint. Grief can also sometimes be delayed.

You may undergo a painful loss, yet the waves of sorrow don’t seem to arrive — until they do. It may take weeks or months or even years. It may come and go. You may feel okay one minute and despondent the next.

How Life Coaching Works as a Guide Towards Your Resilience

How Life Coaching Works as a Guide Towards Your Resilience

Resiliency offers us the strength and power to get through life’s challenges. Indeed, it is key to being able to create a purpose in life.

The beautiful thing about learning to be resilient is that there isn’t just one way to get there. Instead, any number of life experiences can lead us toward resiliency. This concept carries over to life coaching. No matter what leads you to find a life coach, they can help you work within that area of your life to build resiliency that carries over to other areas.

Teen Depression vs. Adult Depression: How Is It Different?

Teen Depression vs. Adult Depression: How Is It Different?

It’s unfortunate that the term “depression” gets tossed about so frequently.

People think that they know the signs and symptoms of the condition and apply them to someone they believe is depressed. This approach might be well-meaning if they want that person to get help.

However, the label ignores subtleties about depression that vary between age groups. Adults dealing with depression often experience it differently than a teen.

Remember, depression is beyond feeling sad or blue. Instead, these are specific symptoms that individuals often ignore or mislabel.

Here are some subtle differences between depression in teens and adults.

Normal Teen Moodiness or Something More? How to Know & What to Do

Normal Teen Moodiness or Something More? How to Know & What to Do

It’s standard fare for sit-coms and movies: teen characters shift between laughter, eye rolls, and tears. The parents react with a comical mix of frustration, and concern. And the family rides a roller coaster of emotions, communication issues, and more on the road to their teen’s independence.

So here you are, in real life, trying to helpfully and productively move forward with your own teen. And you don’t have the benefit of a script or laugh track to break the tension created by their changing moods.

Can You Have Both Autism and ADHD?

Can You Have Both Autism and ADHD?

Many are now of the mindset that ADHD should actually be categorized as a subset of autism. While that makes sense, it’s important to remember that—while similar—these are two different things happening in the brain.

Autism is characterized by difficulties with social interaction, trouble with communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior(s). While ADHD also has social and communication factors at play, it’s largely categorized by hyperactivity, impulse control issues, and trouble focusing.

But can you have both ADHD and autism at the same time?

Although some like to think of ADHD as a subset of autism, it is definitely possible for someone to have both conditions. Sometimes, the two can even be confused for one another, especially considering how many overlaps there are.

Does an Age Gap Really Matter? What to Know

Does an Age Gap Really Matter? What to Know

We see age gaps in adult relationships somewhat frequently. For instance, that silver fox actor has a new, younger wife. Often, age gaps between couples are met with suspicion. But why?

Experts believe the taboo nature of age gaps stems from peoples’ assumption that there is a power imbalance in these relationships. It’s believed that one party is reaping far more benefits than the other or that one party is being taken advantage of. Over time, this has become a sense of appropriateness instilled in our culture and passed down.

While an age gap presents its own unique hurdles in adult relationships, they are not automatically a bad thing, so long as both parties are genuinely interested in each other for the right reasons. Let’s look at some of these hurdles and how you can tell an age gap won’t be a problem.

How to Know if You Suffer from Social Anxiety and What to Do About It

How to Know if You Suffer from Social Anxiety and What to Do About It

You’ve probably heard of social anxiety. It’s a term used loosely at times when someone isn’t in the mood to socialize. However, not always being in the mood to socialize is normal. But true social anxiety is much more than that.

Social anxiety disorder is characterized by a fear of being judged by others, feeling highly self-conscious in social situations, and avoiding meeting new people. It’s also known as social phobia. Social anxiety disorder makes it hard to create meaningful connections with others. It can even make it hard for people to complete everyday tasks.

Is the Relationship Affected When She’s Smarter Than Him?

Is the Relationship Affected When She’s Smarter Than Him?

It is said that opposites attract. While opposites in romantic relationships can often be helpful, they can also pose a unique set of challenges for both partners.

Successful relationships are achieved through a delicate balance of each partner’s strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. When the scale is tipped dramatically in one direction, the balance is lost. Many things, such as a strong personality or an overbearing characteristic, can tip the scale.

One factor that will often change the balance and lead to problems in a relationship? Differing intelligence levels.

Reducing Your Mental Health Symptoms: How Mindfulness Can Make a Difference

Reducing Your Mental Health Symptoms: How Mindfulness Can Make a Difference

Mindfulness has become a trendy word. Please do not mistake that for a negative. The concept of staying present is a fundamental form of self-care. In the realm of mental health, it has countless benefits for serious practitioners. Practicing mindfulness has been shown to help people struggling with conditions and issues like:

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic pain

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Suicidal ideation

More recently, mindfulness is making a difference for those dealing with trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Since trauma is something that gets you stuck in the past, this approach makes a whole lot of sense. Let’s learn more:

Telehealth After the Pandemic? Why Online Options May Still Make Sense

Telehealth After the Pandemic? Why Online Options May Still Make Sense

Until last year, telehealth was mostly a niche approach to therapy. It was incredibly helpful for someone who was disabled or lived far from any therapist. Along came the pandemic and the need for teletherapy exploded. For a while, the only way a client could meet with their counselor was via video chat (or phone call).

Today, with nearly 17 months of experience under our belts, many Americans have discovered a preference for telehealth. The numbers below will help illustrate this trend. In other words, online options still make sense. In some ways, they are here to stay.

6 Simple Ways to Meet Your Needs and Your New Baby’s Too

6 Simple Ways to Meet Your Needs and Your New Baby’s Too

They may have invented the word “paradox” specifically for this scenario. Your dream has come true. You just had your first baby. Meanwhile… you’ve never felt more stressed or confused in your entire life. How in the world will you balance out all these highs and lows?

You have been tasked with a dual mission. Of course, your top priority is to meet the needs of your new baby. Yet somehow, you cannot and must not neglect your own needs. The goal is not perfection. You won’t always get in right. But, rest assured, you will find ways to make this work.

Time for a New Career or New Trade? 5 Tips for a Smooth Transition

Time for a New Career or New Trade? 5 Tips for a Smooth Transition

It’s not uncommon for someone to change jobs multiple times throughout their lives. Yet, changing careers completely is a different story. However, it’s more common than you might think.

Whether you’re unhappy with your trade or something else has sparked a passion, changing careers can be a good thing. You should be happy and fulfilled in whatever you choose to do. If your current industry isn’t providing you with fulfillment, it’s okay to take a leap. Give yourself permission to try something different.

Still, if you’re considering switching careers, there are a few things to keep in mind.

It can be scary, at first. So, making the transition as smooth as possible is important. With that, let’s cover a few tips for your transition, so you’ll feel confident in your decision and move forward in a new career you love.