Practice Overview

Alpenglow Center is a LGBTQ+ affirming space, respects and values diversity, inclusivity, equality and cultivating an anti-racist world.

Free Initial Consultation*
30- Minute Initial Consultation offered in person, by phone or over Alpenglow’s HIPAA-compliant video platform.
*Initial Consultation is a time to discuss your goals at a high level, give you a sense of the therapist and help you determine whether or not
the practice is a good fit for your needs. No therapy will be conducted during an initial consultation.

Insurance and Fees
We are an Out-of-Network Provider, therefore, if you have Out-of-Network Benefits through your insurance company, we will assist you in completing the paperwork to be reimbursed. Please Note: After reimbursement, your out-of pocket responsibility is often in-line with standard co-pays. If you would rather not involve your insurance company as an added level of confidentiality, you also have the option for self-pay.

Equity Sessions (Sliding Scale)
If you do not have Out-of-Network Benefits or do not have insurance and cannot afford the full fee, the Alpenglow Center reserves a specific number of Equity Sessions for which the fees are set based on a sliding scale.

Equity Sessions fill up quickly and since it is not possible to predict when someone will be done with their therapeutic process, it is not possible to predict when a new Equity opening will occur. People can put their names on an informal wait-list and when an opening occurs, all people on the waitlist will be contacted by email to fill the opening on a first come-first, first-served basis.