Tips to Build Your Self-Esteem From the Inside Out

Self-esteem has become a trendy concept these days. Of course, this can be a good thing. But there are some related questions that must be factored in. Two such questions are:

  • Why are so many of us lacking self-esteem?

  • Is anyone talking about building self-esteem from within?

Are We in the Midst of a Low Self-Esteem Epidemic?

It sure feels like we are. Of course, there is no accurate way to measure this trend. However, even the most casual observer can recognize that the social media/smartphone culture can wreak havoc on anyone’s self-esteem. Thus, we are in the midst of another epidemic: blog posts about building our now-threatened self-esteem. Unfortunately, such posts often focus on outside factors.

Can Self-Esteem Be Built Via External Factors?

It can be helped but outside factors are more complementary than foundational. Deep, sustainable change grows from looking inward. To enhance this growth, we can seek outside help, e.g.

  • Take regular tech breaks

  • Surround yourself with those who support you

  • Consider talking to a professional (see below)

External factors alone cannot be effective. To follow are some tips for tapping into your inner rock star. Like all positive developments, it takes diligent work. But, fear not, it is most definitely worth it!

What You Can Do to Build Your Self-Esteem From Within

1. Daily Self-Care

Treat yourself with care on a daily basis. A solid self-care regimen helps us be our best selves. In addition, it reminds us (and others) that we are so worth the effort. We deserve to be nurtured. Some basics:

  • Daily exercise and activity

  • Regular sleep patterns

  • Healthy eating habits

  • Stress management and relaxation techniques

2. Reimagine Your Narrative

We all have a story. This narrative shapes our self-perception and often shapes how others view us. This leads to automatic negatives — low self-esteem that becomes a default setting. Through the use of affirmations and journaling (see #4), we can re-write our story with an emphasis on our strong points.

3. Don’t Compete and Compare

Here is where social media rears its ugly head. It has become increasingly difficult to avoid comparisons so, for starters: Limit your time online and when you’re there, focus on sharing positive energy.

4. Keep a Journal

This is done not just to identify (and therefore avoid) triggers, but also to celebrate successes of all sizes. Your automatic negatives are not a reliable biography. Instead, carefully document who you are and where you’re going.

5. Practice Mindfulness

In the moment, you are doing your best and striving to succeed. Mindfulness teaches us to eschew the doubts about the past and the anxiety about the future. Right here and right now is all we have. Staying present puts us in the ideal position to thrive.

6. Choose to Be a Giver

There just may be no better feeling than performing acts of kindness. We don’t ask anything in return but we do get the kind of boost that no like or share can match. Make giving a daily part of your life.

Reaching Outside to Look Inside

Getting yourself to therapy may not sound like you’re building from within. In a very technical sense, it’s not. However, this reality remains we all experience blocks and obstacles that are not obvious to us.

Committing to regular counseling sessions is an excellent way to identify and address such self-sabotaging patterns. A skilled therapist can help you probe your behavior and clear space for you to see more when you look inside. In the end, self-esteem is not a final destination. It’s an ongoing process that can be made more manageable when you ask for help. Please reach out to my office for a consultation today.