Refreshing Your Approach to Your New Year Resolutions

One-quarter of 2022 has passed. Happy (kinda) New Year! You see, this is an ideal time to revisit your New Year resolutions and get back on track, if necessary. Fewer and fewer people are making resolutions these days. Research points to nearly eight in 10 of them ditching their goals and dreams by the end of February. It sounds like we need a reboot.

Who says you can’t revisit and recalibrate your resolutions throughout the year? If you’re someone who didn’t make 2022 resolutions, who says you can’t start now? Circumstances change. So do perspectives. In some ways, you are not the same person you were on January 1!

Refreshing Your Approach to Your New Year Resolution

Perhaps, by now, you’ve forgotten all about the plans you stated to start the year. Just as likely, you may have consciously pushed them aside to void feeling bad about them getting derailed. Either way, you’re not alone and this is nothing to be ashamed of. To jumpstart the resolution vibe, here are a few prompts:

Reassessing the Specifics

There are many reasons why your resolution actually wasn’t a good fit. For example:

  • Your resolution was too big to tackle in a single year

  • It was too minor and didn’t inspire you

  • It came from a place of negativity, e.g. “I look terrible and need to change”

  • You didn’t give it enough thought

  • You never expected to succeed

These (and other) reasons are common but very fixable. The process begins with you giving this task the attention it requires and deserves. The one-quarter mark seems like the ideal time to try this approach.

You Were Aiming to Please Someone Else

All of us, at times, allow the outside world to shape our self-image. We set goals that we feel would help us fit in or impress others. Such resolutions are usually doomed from the start. Only you can define what “success” means, what “happiness” means, and what “accomplishment” looks like. If your resolution does not match society’s standards, that’s a good thing. The world needs more people who challenge the status quo!

Maybe You Need a Tweak

Vague phrasing can work against you. Aiming to “get in shape” is not the same as setting clear goals. In other words, you haven’t failed. You just need to clarify. Do you want to run a specific race or reach a certain weight? Make your resolutions clear and reachable but still motivational.

You Can’t Feel It

It’s challenging to attain a milestone if you can’t even imagine yourself living that life. People who practice manifestation will advise you to take time each day to feel what it feels like to live in your desired reality. Your mind and body respond to such energy and will guide you to stay focused and determined.

Why Bother?

So many people have ditched the idea of New Year resolutions. Many more just go through the motions. Based on this, you may feel like it’s not worth setting yourself up to flop. With this in mind, let’s touch on a few good reasons why your resolutions, goals, and dreams really matter.

  • Optimism Matters: Resolutions put us in the mindset that yes, change is possible and your life can and will improve.

  • Setting Intentions: We learn to not leave important matters to chance. We clearly state a plan and firmly move forward to implement it.

  • The Power of Example: Your efforts will inspire others to take steps to change what needs to be changed.

Instead of beating yourself up, why not use that energy to learn new approaches? Each and every day provides us with the opportunity to challenge ourselves. Consider life counseling.


If you’re looking for a Philadelphia area therapist to help you move forward with your life in confidence, please call 267 547-3596 for your free, 30-minute phone consultation. Or you can click here to schedule your complimentary, in-person, or online therapy intake session to see how Alpenglow can help you find greater fulfillment in your life and your sense of self.